I always have such a hard time with "values" so I'll start by borrowing the definition from Jessica Sprague to get me started- after all it is her class I'm taking :)
What are your holiday values? Those things we treasure most, and the hopes we have for ourselves and our families during the holiday season? Ultimately, the things we value the most make us who we are, but sometimes these get lost in the chaos that the holidays can bring.
1. I would love for Cayden to have some family traditions.. maybe by coming up with some this year and documenting it I'll remember next year. I have no problem coming up with things.. I just have my Dad's memory and can't remember which traditions we start each year!
2. I would like to enjoy the holidays with family and friends, being so far away from "home" makes Christmas less then wonderful but this year I'd like to make it wonderful for my little family.
3. I would love to have a more traditional christmas- not for for all gift giving but certainly make the gift giving more "personal"
4. I love to feel enveloped in the warmth and peace of the season, I'll need to decorate to add to the coziness of the holidays.
5. I miss the friendship and comfort of our simple "family" Christmas holidays in Quebec, I'd love to re-create that for my family hereand maybe include others that are far away from there relatives.
6. It's time I actually participate in operation shoebox with my kids! I've always wanted to do it and never made the time.. we are so fortunate that our kids lose sight of how wonderful our lives really are- indeed so do I at times.
7. I want a "homespun" family christmas.. without breaking the bank.