Saturday, June 11, 2011

Alexis Miller's Photography Tips: Focus

Alexis Miller's Photography Tips: Focus

Whoo Rah!!! I love love love my job!

Over theist month I have easily earned more than enough money to not only purchase the camera of my dreams ( well I limit my dreams to a camera I know I will be able to use!) I will also have enough to buy some other fancy smancy equipment! Ummm maybe some studio lights or a soft box ...ahhh the possibilities! I have to say since I went to a wonderful goal setting Vision Board class back in January I have been seeing my dreams come after another! I am a believer.. Choose your goals and dreams and wishes then start right at it...go work..go shop..go plan.. Do whatever you need to do to make those dreams a reality! I think that once I get to a real computer I will have to upload a photo of my vision board so that I can start ticking off my accomplishments! (who knew that my ipad wont upload photos to my blog?.) how weird is any event..yay me..yay overtime! ( I am writing this post while sitting at a roadblock! don't one was hurt during the writing of the blog post!)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Screamingly busy week!

Wow..when a person wants to they can certainly cram a lot into a few short days! Last week was super busy at work with our new project ramping up and everyone getting involved and trained up on the new program we are introducing..since I brought the training I was responsible for looking after the logistics of it which was super fun and wildly busy..then a wonderful weekend of hanging out with my besty and my favorite apeeps! A full 2 day photography course and a birthday dinner,packing and then off to the big city to spread my passion for my work to new and hopefully impressionable people! I am no a teacher..I shake before I walk up in front of everyone and want To run..but this time was different. I got to choose my areas to present and since I was comfortable with the material it went smashingly well! (read..I didn't pass out and no one fell asleep!) the week was especially great because I caught up with a few old friends and am so grateful for that...I missed my girlfriends from past postings and am going to make way more of an effort to see them more often! I also got to spend quality time with my quiet child...hes almost done his first year away at college and I spent a few hours cleaning his apartment in preparation for his move back home... It was truly not that bad! He must take after his father!
I am taking this morning off...maybe brush out a few horses and forget about looming deadlines and career decisions and just relax with my baby and his "old friend Lucy" (that's how he refers to his pony)
photos to come of the day and the finished laundry room!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Adorable fabric flowers!

I've used a few of these on some of my scrapbook layouts but here is a great tutorial that I just found to explain how they are made properly ( so they don't unravel!)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Oh no it's happening again!

Agrhh! Clearly I have become addicted AGAIN! I had slid of the wagon and taken back control of my time.. then out of nowhere ( well maybe it's because my Mr Man bought me a super wonderful iPad) I'm staying up late and pouring over all the yummy inspiring blogs out there in blogland! Oh well.. i've gotten so many new ideas for my perpetual reno! Speaking of the ongoing..never ending.. drive me crazy with unfinished projects RENO....My little man could not get enough of helping Dad while we were getting the basement bath up and running again! He even had his little "Handy Manny" tool kit out!

I'm also excited because even though Mr Man is gone all weekend( which really just gives me some time to declutter!) I am headed to my first junk auction of the season!! yay!! I'm really hoping to find some old farm chairs for the kitchen ( I've been averaging 1 great chair per auction! so the odds are great that there will be more tomorrow!) Humm maybe I better hit the sack.. ohh just a few more minutes of blog creeping....