Saturday, June 11, 2011

Alexis Miller's Photography Tips: Focus

Alexis Miller's Photography Tips: Focus

Whoo Rah!!! I love love love my job!

Over theist month I have easily earned more than enough money to not only purchase the camera of my dreams ( well I limit my dreams to a camera I know I will be able to use!) I will also have enough to buy some other fancy smancy equipment! Ummm maybe some studio lights or a soft box ...ahhh the possibilities! I have to say since I went to a wonderful goal setting Vision Board class back in January I have been seeing my dreams come after another! I am a believer.. Choose your goals and dreams and wishes then start right at it...go work..go shop..go plan.. Do whatever you need to do to make those dreams a reality! I think that once I get to a real computer I will have to upload a photo of my vision board so that I can start ticking off my accomplishments! (who knew that my ipad wont upload photos to my blog?.) how weird is any event..yay me..yay overtime! ( I am writing this post while sitting at a roadblock! don't one was hurt during the writing of the blog post!)