Monday, November 16, 2009

Seems I am addicted to my computer.. I'm sick.. supposed to be sleeping and here I am still typing away.. I haven't been keeping up on this "blog" thing .. mainly because I don't feel very interesting most of the time BUT I am going to force my sisters to start checking it out so at the very least they can see some of my scrapbook stuff and photo creations! Like this re-touched photo of - who else.. the Cayd Man!

Ok.. day 1: Refocus on Holiday Values

I always have such a hard time with "values" so I'll start by borrowing the definition from Jessica Sprague to get me started- after all it is her class I'm taking :)

What are your holiday values? Those things we treasure most, and the hopes we have for ourselves and our families during the holiday season? Ultimately, the things we value the most make us who we are, but sometimes these get lost in the chaos that the holidays can bring.

1. I would love for Cayden to have some family traditions.. maybe by coming up with some this year and documenting it I'll remember next year. I have no problem coming up with things.. I just have my Dad's memory and can't remember which traditions we start each year!

2. I would like to enjoy the holidays with family and friends, being so far away from "home" makes Christmas less then wonderful but this year I'd like to make it wonderful for my little family.

3. I would love to have a more traditional christmas- not for for all gift giving but certainly make the gift giving more "personal"

4. I love to feel enveloped in the warmth and peace of the season, I'll need to decorate to add to the coziness of the holidays.

5. I miss the friendship and comfort of our simple "family" Christmas holidays in Quebec, I'd love to re-create that for my family hereand maybe include others that are far away from there relatives.

6. It's time I actually participate in operation shoebox with my kids! I've always wanted to do it and never made the time.. we are so fortunate that our kids lose sight of how wonderful our lives really are- indeed so do I at times.

7. I want a "homespun" family christmas.. without breaking the bank.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

overflowing with joy and love for my wonderful little man ...

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz,
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off.
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.

I love you as the plant that never blooms,
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers;
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance,
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body.

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way

than this: where I does not exist, nor you,
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand,
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep.

~ Pablo Neruda

Friday, June 12, 2009

What a wonderful day off

I can't believe that I did so much in one day.. I've been so lazy lately that today's accomplishments are kind of reaffirming.. I can get stuff done when I try! We (me and my Cayd) got up at a decent time .. I did have to wake him but hey he woke up smiling.. then it was off to the mom's and tots year end party. I've realized that Cayd is in need of little friends, he was so excited at all the kids running around that he just stood in the middle of the room beaming and dancing..after he figured it all out he joined in and had a blast. From there, Cayd went to Jen's and I went to the Rodeo grounds for an hour.. back home and rode my nasty mare all the way over to Tracy's house (at least a 1/2 mile away!) which is a big feat for her and me, normally she tosses her head or balks a little and I give in because I'm scared of getting bounced off of her but not today! I made her do what I wanted and she was so much better behaved by the time we got back home!
From there it was back to the Rodeo grounds and working the door for the second night of Rodeo performances. Then back home and visit with Tracy for a few minutes .. plus I also found the time to call my sisters and let them know that I love them even though we are far apart.. they are still my best friends.. what a wonderful day..

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"If you sit down at set of sun

and count the acts that you have done,

and counting find one self-denying deed,

one word that eased the heart of him who heard,

one glance most kind that fell like sunshine where it went--

then you may count that day well spent."

[ george eliot ]

Waking up everyday hoping for something wonderful.. then I open his door and there he is :)

Life is Crazy! or is it just me ???

Back to work; my job has changed drastically in the year that I have been gone.. don't get me wrong' I still love it (well most days) but there are times when I just want to be responsible for me and me alone.. not a whole crew.. I know I should be proud that I'm reliable or dedicated or good enough at my job that the boss let me supervise a bunch of other people but again.. somedays I just want to look after me! My house is an absolute mess and most days I walk around wishing for my big house in Peace River.. a place for everything.. then again there may have been a place for everything because I was the only one who's stuff needed a place! I can't seem to keep up and sometimes I just don't want to.. that of course leads to other issues.. Thank heaven for little boys.. he is all that keeps me sane.. it's hard to go crazy when you're laughing at a completely adorable little toddler..

Friday, March 20, 2009

Cayd is 1 year old today!

Well.. it's 730am and I should be sleeping because the little man still is but I'm stressing .. well freakin out is more like it! I can't believe I have to go back to work in a few days! Almost 2 years since I was on the street! can you say lost :) Oh well it will all work out in the end ..or not :).. I am also very sad that my last baby is a year old already, he's walking and babbling away and he's not looking much like a baby anymore .. sniff..sniff.. hummm.. I can't describe how much more I am enjoying being a momma to a little boy this time around. don't get me wrong, I love Alex and Nic to pieces but I was so young myself when I had them it was all I could do to make it day to day. With Cayden, I'm older (much much older) and way more mature and I'm loving every minute of my life with him.. only 17 more years to go! Happy happy birthday my little Boo!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ready set...go!

Well we are just trying to finish up the last minute things before we head to the airport. Last night was a short one.. no matter how I try I can't seem to not plan out every little detail in my mind! How I'm going to get from the parking lot to the airport with the baby and the bags! What to bring for his first flight, what to bring for me, what needs to be done in the house so my DH isn't going nuts without food or us :)
Oh well I have learned something from past travels, no matter how stressed I get or how much I plan .. it's just gonna happen and in 24 hours it will be done and I can start planning for the return trip!
I'm so addicted to checking out other peoples blogs that I stayed up way to late last night so I'm a little behind! Now if I could just figure out how to add photos to the body of the blog ..all would be right in my world!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

This is nuts!

It's not like I'm not addicted enough to my computer now I want to try this blogging thing! My ever-loving wonderful husband will not be happy about this. I'm hoping that at least this will give me a legit reason be playing with all the digi-scrap stuff that I've been downloading.. so I'm excited to get started!

Since I'm off to visit my sister for a much needed vacation before I head back to work..(I've been on Mat leave for the past year) I guess all the playing will have to wait until I get back... hummm where to start??