Friday, June 12, 2009

What a wonderful day off

I can't believe that I did so much in one day.. I've been so lazy lately that today's accomplishments are kind of reaffirming.. I can get stuff done when I try! We (me and my Cayd) got up at a decent time .. I did have to wake him but hey he woke up smiling.. then it was off to the mom's and tots year end party. I've realized that Cayd is in need of little friends, he was so excited at all the kids running around that he just stood in the middle of the room beaming and dancing..after he figured it all out he joined in and had a blast. From there, Cayd went to Jen's and I went to the Rodeo grounds for an hour.. back home and rode my nasty mare all the way over to Tracy's house (at least a 1/2 mile away!) which is a big feat for her and me, normally she tosses her head or balks a little and I give in because I'm scared of getting bounced off of her but not today! I made her do what I wanted and she was so much better behaved by the time we got back home!
From there it was back to the Rodeo grounds and working the door for the second night of Rodeo performances. Then back home and visit with Tracy for a few minutes .. plus I also found the time to call my sisters and let them know that I love them even though we are far apart.. they are still my best friends.. what a wonderful day..

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